
This is the upgrade guide to the Canyon network upgrade and synced protocol-version upgrades.

<aside> 🚨 The Canyon mainnet network upgrade is scheduled for January 11th at 17:00:00 UTC 2024.


About the ProtocolVersions contract

You must upgrade your nodes to the following versions prior to January 11 2024

Recommended configuration

Note: this configuration path uses the protocol-version functionalities described above.

  1. Setting the network flags:

    The following are the supported options:

    options: base-goerli, base-mainnet, base-sepolia, op-goerli, op-labs-chaosnet-0-goerli-dev-0, op-labs-devnet-0-goerli-dev-0, op-mainnet, op-sepolia, pgn-mainnet, pgn-sepolia, zora-goerli, zora-mainnet
  2. Loading and reporting protocol versions from the Superchain:

  3. Optionally, enabling halting your node on breaking changes:

    1. On op-geth specify --rollup.halt=major

    This does not shut down your node, but stops syncing once it detects an incompatible protocol version.

    Your node defaults to not halting, but we recommend setting this to at least major so your node does not produce diverging state.

Example node configuration values

Verifying your configuration on Mainnet

You can verify your node is configured correctly with the following: