
Pool Prize

Top 10 projects (that don’t win another OP prize!) to deploy on Optimism (mainnet, Goerli testnet or Bedrock testnet) get $250 for the team.

Specific Prizes

  1. Developer Infrastructure/tooling: 3 teams win $ 2,500 per team

    No matter how amazing we make the Optimism network it will never succeed without developers! This prize is for developer tooling and infrastructure. You could win if your project makes it easier to build on Optimism, makes development more approachable or generally improves the development process!

  2. Best Bedrock/OP Stack Hack: 1 team wins $2,500

    The OP Stack is a series of modules that make it easy as pie to build your own blockchain. Although the OP Stack is still heavily in development, we’re looking for teams to start experimenting by modifying our Bedrock node to do new and wacky things! Maybe you’ll try modifying the data availability layer to support EIP-4844, maybe you’ll modify op-geth to support EIP-1153, or maybe you’ll replace the entire execution engine with a Game Boy emulator (yes, someone did that). The sky’s the limit, give it a shot and see what kind of wild ideas you can come up with!

  3. Optimism Games & NFT Infrastructure: 2 teams wins $ 2,500 per team

    From NFT card games to open-world explorations, we want it all! If your project is a game or makes the NFT world better (i.e no code NFT deployers) then you qualify for this prize!

  4. govTech & Community Infrastructure: 2 teams win $ 2,500 per team

    Crypto would be a sad, empty space without communities. It would also be very web2 if not for the decentralising force of DAOs and governance! This category is super broad but we are looking for things that make managing a web3 community easier, or make governance more accessible. If you are not sure if your project would count, message us! This category also includes retroPGF-style projects!

Need help?

If you are unsure about anything or need help, make sure to join our discord. We have NERDs waiting to help, as well as tons of opportunities for your project to grow and develop after the hackathon!

Get inspiration from our project idea list!

Category Idea More information & additional resources
NFTs & Games Interactive NFT / Game Inspired by OE40s, NFTs that have some kind of extra functionality to them
r/place Something like r/place. You have to pay to put each pixel. Every time you overwrite it gets more expensive. You can mint the NFT of the entire thing as well.
L2 Gift Cards L1 NFT that sends ETH to your L2 address when bridged over
New standard for NFTs that can own NFTs A new standard that is backwards compatible with ERC721 that allows the new NFT to both own and be owned by another NFT.
Dev Tools Notification service Fix Hardhat forking for L1BlockNumber opcode
Contribute to the SDK Anything from improving documentation, adding a feature to creating a tutorial! Our SDK is still in it’s early stages, so all contributions are welcome and encouraged!
RetroPGF RetroPGF dashboard Help make RetroPGF approachable. Show data from the previous rounds, include links to articles (our article, Vitaliks).
RetroPGF dapp Ideally able to nominate a project, allow badge holders (owners of an NFT) to vote on projects, and the ability to have phases (i.e, nominate phase, vote phase, distribution phase). Bonus points for privacy preserving.

✅ | | | 1 click tokenize GH repo | High level objective: Influence developers to tokenize all of their work so that we can pay them for their work with RetroPGF.

Rough idea: Make it easy to tokenize a GH repo. The owner can choose an initial allocation, automatic rewards for merged PRs, etc. They are then responsible for distributing the tokens to contributors, etc. | | | Token-gated GitHub repos | GitHub app to invite users to a repo if they connect their wallet and own a particular token | | Bridging | Full Wallet Migration | Bridge multiple / all tokens (ERC20 & ERC721) from your L1 wallet to Optimism in one transaction. | | | Embedded gateway | Open source component that devs can embed in their own project provide in-app bridging | | | Bridge Lottery | Slot machine extension for bridge that rewards random users with an NFT or other token | | | Referral incentives | Sybil resistant referral system: get a new address to use OP and earn X | | | Bridge Snap for MetaMask | An extension for MetaMask that allows bridging from within the wallet | | | Permissionless NFT Bridge | There are other people working on similar ideas, but there is space for competition. It would be good to have a protocol that would enable permissionless bridging of any NFT from mainnet onto Optimism. One particular problem of interest to be solved is that of fast withdrawal (as it stands, secure withdrawals must wait until the end of the 7-day challenge window). I think this issue could be solved with on-chain signatures and liquidity pools to guarantee payments (similar to insurance protocols). | | Gaming | | The idea by Dom is a bit rough — meaning you have plenty of creative license to experiment with. Basically the game includes a roguelike adventure side and a "Dungeon Keeper" side. Figuring out the mechanics that make this work is the challenge! | | DeFi | | A web app that lets users create automated trading bots, in the fashion of This requires frontend, backend, contract and bot development! | | ... more | | |