(This is a Runbook template specifically for addressing alerts.)

Related Alerts

  1. fault-detector-mismatch-detected-<mainnet|sepolia>
  2. fault-detector-stalled-<mainnet|sepolia>
  3. fault-detector-error-unhandled-<mainnet|sepolia>

Alert Severity

  1. SEV2 for fault-detector-mismatch-detected-<mainnet|sepolia> on OP and SuperChain Networks (Base,Mode,…) mainnet
    1. SEV3 for sepolia
  2. SEV2 for fault-detector-stalled-<mainnet|sepolia> on OP and and SuperChain Networks (Base,Mode,…) mainnet
    1. SEV3 for sepolia
  3. SEV3 for fault-detector-error-unhandled-<mainnet|sepolia> on OP and and SuperChain Networks (Base,Mode,…) mainnet
    1. SEV4 for sepolia

Alert Summary

  1. fault-detector-mismatch-detected-<mainnet|sepolia> indicates there might be a mismatch of output roots posted on chain v.s. what the fault detector observed from the control groups (a collection of L2 RPC providers)
  2. fault-detector-stalled-<mainnet|sepolia> indicates the proposer might not be posting fault detection results for recent output roots.
  3. fault-detector-error-unhandled-<mainnet|sepolia> incidents the fault detector threw unhandled errors.

An alert contains the name of the network to which the alert refers. For example:

Fault Detector Stalled (OP MAINNET PROD)


Confirm that the alert is still active: