: has been recorded as live during the last 14 weeksNot-live
: has not been recorded as live for more than 14 weeksLiveness Expiration Monitoring ensure owners of the Security Council Safe or Uniswap Safes are always showing proof of liveness.
For example, if a Safe Owner
didn’t show any proof of activity for a “long period” (98 days for now on mainnet) we will have to remove this owner by security measures.
To detect this, we have multiples level of alerting:
Safe Owner liveness will expire in 14 days
Safe Owner liveness will expire in 7 days
Safe Owner liveness will expire in 1 day
The alerting is based on the following invariant from the L1 contracts:
(block.timestamp + (`14 days` or `7 days` or `1 day`) > lastLive(owner) + livenessInterval)
The priority of this alert is represented by the Priority from the alert emitted by ops-genie.