: has been recorded as live during the last 14 weeksNot-live
: has not been recorded as live for more than 14 weeksLiveness Expiration Monitoring ensure owners of the Security Council Safe are always showing proof of liveness.
For example, if a Safe Owner
didn’t show any proof of activity for a “long period” (98 days for now on mainnet) we will have to remove this owner by security measures.
To detect this, we have multiples level of alerting:
Safe Owner liveness will expire in 14 days
Safe Owner liveness will expire in 7 days
Safe Owner liveness will expire in 1 day
The alerting is based on the following invariant from the L1 contracts:
(block.timestamp + (`14 days` or `7 days` or `1 day`) > lastLive(owner) + livenessInterval)
The priority of this alert is represented by the Priority from the alert emitted by ops-genie.
If the alerted emitted by ops-genie is P2
example below: